A partnership of seasoned professionals
J3 Global is an international solutions business that specializes in bespoke security services for high-net-worth individuals, tailored to enhance the organic movements of their networks, assets, and families.
A Message from Jim, Founder & Partner
Of all the duties I was responsible for while serving in the FBI, liaison was something I’d like to think I perfected.
Here at J3 Global, I know I’ve perfected it. I pass on the benefits of years and years of quality, impactful relationships to my clients every day. It started during my days as a young Cadet at the United States Military Academy, continued through my days of intense Army service, became a way of life as a committed FBI agent and is now critical to my client’s crisis mitigation and management plans.
Often times, my clients don’t even realize that it’s happening — that is until they need it. But then they experience the J Factor — all that’s expected and a little bit more.
Take for example the high net worth C Suiter, who through a series of unfortunate occurrences, is truly in a difficult situation — on a Holiday Eve. He is now facing unfounded and dishonorable blackmail accusations with the consequence of a stained reputation and loss of standing in a most competitive industry. A late night call to J3 from a trusted friend and ally, the process begins. This can’t wait, it must be handled immediately through an exclusive network. Within hours, through long established liaisons forged in the most difficult circumstances, the crisis is mitigated and life continues with impact and purpose.
Mission First, People Always.
At J3 Global, this is integral to our threat and vulnerability assessment protocol. It is not phased in or taken lightly. It is drawn from lifelong relationships developed through common bond and trust.
You want the J Factor and I want to provide it to you.
Jim DiOrio